1. The Umpa Lump-are very distant lands.
2. They are one of raza Umpa-Umpa called Lumpa-landia.
3. The Umpa-Lumpas adividan catastrophic things of the past and singing.
4. Yes, I do.
domingo, 19 de junio de 2011
I've got a perfect puzzle for you Tinc un trencaclosques perfecte per a vostè
If you're wise you listen to me Si ets savi que m'escolti
If you're not greedy you'll get far Si no és cobejós obtindrà molt
With good manners you come far Amb bones maneres s'arriben lluny
If you're not spoiled you will get far Si no està espatllat que arribarà molt lluny
If you're wise you listen to me Si ets savi que m'escolti
If you're not greedy you'll get far Si no és cobejós obtindrà molt
With good manners you come far Amb bones maneres s'arriben lluny
If you're not spoiled you will get far Si no està espatllat que arribarà molt lluny
funhouse casa del riure
candyman candyman
backwards cap enrere
forwards cap endavant
smaller menor
bigger més gran
musical-lock musical-lock
chocolate-room xocolata-habitació
creation creació
paradise paradís
view veure
disgusting repugnant
polluted contaminant
waterfall cascada
little-men poc els homes
help ajuda
police policia
murder assassinat
seasick marejat
nuts nous
seaworthy en condicions de navegar
factory fàbrica
pocket-money diners de butxaca
amazing sorprenent
sensational sensacional
nitwit simplón
blueberry nabiu
maughty maughty nast nast
nonsense disbarats
garbage escombreries
brat pal de golf
dry-clear sec clar
carwash rentat de cotxes
gobbles empassa
messy confúswonkawash wonkawash
turn around girar
here we go again aquí anem altre vegada
on shore a la costa
no messing about no perdre el temps
no touching no tocar
no tasting sense sabor
no telling no se cap
that's great això és genial
we're in trouble estem en problemes
What's he talking about? De què està parlant?
all on board tots a bord
ladies first les primeres dames
I don't like this No m'agrada aquest
this is great això és genial
on we go en el qual anem
let's go in anirem a
help me m'ajuden
let me out m'ho dius a mi sortir
look here mira aquí
come on anem
come along vénen el llarg de
hold your breath contenir la respiració
this way d'aquesta manera
do something fer alguna cosa
here it comes aquí es tracta de
there it is aquí està
I'm coming in clear vagi en clar
I feel fine em sento bé
normal terrible old selves normal home vell terrible
here we go again aquí anem altre vegada
on shore a la costa
no messing about no perdre el temps
no touching no tocar
no tasting sense sabor
no telling no se cap
that's great això és genial
we're in trouble estem en problemes
What's he talking about? De què està parlant?
all on board tots a bord
ladies first les primeres dames
I don't like this No m'agrada aquest
this is great això és genial
on we go en el qual anem
let's go in anirem a
help me m'ajuden
let me out m'ho dius a mi sortir
look here mira aquí
come on anem
come along vénen el llarg de
hold your breath contenir la respiració
this way d'aquesta manera
do something fer alguna cosa
here it comes aquí es tracta de
there it is aquí està
I'm coming in clear vagi en clar
I feel fine em sento bé
normal terrible old selves normal home vell terrible
·Hurry: regular, hurried, pressa. ·See: irregular, saw, veure. ·Rehearse: regular, rehearsed, assejar. ·Get: irregular, got, obtenir. ·Begin: irregular, began, començar. ·Sing: irregular, sang, cantar. ·Want: regular, wanted, voler. ·Stop: regular, stoped, parar. ·Give: irregular, gave, donar. ·Make: irregular, made, fer. ·Know: irregular, knew, saber. ·Be: irregular, was/were, ser. ·Come: irregular, came, venir. ·Squeeze: regular, squeezed, treure. ·Enter: regular, entered, entrar. ·Eat: irregular, ate, menjar. ·Loose: regular, loosed, posar. ·Hold: irregular, held, mantenir. ·Look: regular, looked, mirar. ·Do: irregular, did, fer. ·Change: regular, changed, canviar. ·Want: regular, wanted, voler. ·Mix: regular, mixed, barrejar. ·Turn: regular, turned, girar. ·Drink: irregular, drank, beure. ·Save: regular, saved, estalviar. ·Help: regular, helped, ajudar. ·Boil: regular, boiled, bullir. ·Give: irregular, gave, donar. ·Suck: regular, sucked, xuclar. ·Speak: irregular, spoke, parlar. ·Swear: irregular, swore, jurar. ·Show: irregular, showed, mostrar. ·Live: regular, lived, viure. ·Agree: regular, agreed, estar d'acord. ·Shout: regular, shouted, cridar. ·Follow: regular, followed, seguir. ·Feel: irregular, felt, sentir. ·Roll: regular, rolled, rodar. ·Explode: regular, exploded, explotar. ·Understand: irregular, understood, entendre. ·Try: regular, tryed, trocar. ·Work: regular, worked, trabajar. ·Swim: irregular, swam, nedar. ·Fly: irregular, flew, volar. ·Burn: irregular, burned/burnt. ·Think: irregular, thought, pensar.
What happened to Veruca, Charlie
Augustus: a child, always eats chocolate, cake ...
No reached the final. It was the first to ''disappear''. It fell into the great river of chocolate.
Veruca: is a rich girl. It is a very encreguda girl. She no reached the end of the chocolate factory
Violet: The girl who always eats chewing gum. She did not reach the end of the chocolate factory.
Charlie: a child is very poor. It is the star of the film.
She went to the factory accompanied by his grandfather. He was the winner of the chocolate factory.
No reached the final. It was the first to ''disappear''. It fell into the great river of chocolate.
Veruca: is a rich girl. It is a very encreguda girl. She no reached the end of the chocolate factory
Violet: The girl who always eats chewing gum. She did not reach the end of the chocolate factory.
Charlie: a child is very poor. It is the star of the film.
She went to the factory accompanied by his grandfather. He was the winner of the chocolate factory.
Stay in Olot
My stay in Olot was very funny, brilliant, unbeatable, best colonies. These colonies went to visit the museum
volcanoes. We also climb the volcano Croscat and the volcano Santa Margarita. It was very hot and it was difficult to climb the volcano Santa Margarita.
The place where we slept was fine.
At night, the havitació we did many silly things!! jeje
volcanoes. We also climb the volcano Croscat and the volcano Santa Margarita. It was very hot and it was difficult to climb the volcano Santa Margarita.
The place where we slept was fine.
At night, the havitació we did many silly things!! jeje
Letter to Charlie
Dear Charlie:
Hello Charlie! I am Alexandra from Empuriabrava, Spain.
This week I watched your film . I was delighted.
I love the world of cime. But I have a question: did you like to participate in this film?
Hello Charlie! I am Alexandra from Empuriabrava, Spain.
This week I watched your film . I was delighted.
I love the world of cime. But I have a question: did you like to participate in this film?
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